AccessDeniedAccess DeniedJ3G8QKF3CSPS1MKHsMkY7gBjbHV4dcZwD+YViqJkgRHTkA1f8kqdB1PItmeP7ryjbSp/yO2bqdNb5gKIngWQ7R1be7kJDTzNAIolwUxpoKEWnQYibfgfOxOkK0Q= AccessDeniedAccess Denied8DK8EDS42Y97TPKEtPHNLjxqjvulgrZGj/3TqVEVI148nIIBuwb4fL9c/SYD5y26aGWilH6IN15h1gvxJKCDpxyv0C6jPHsFG0f18eP3kRH1Th0pWIbzufLrlK4= Zona ENARD - Digital Transformation

Making IT happen…

We boost our client’s digital experience by ideating and creating the most innovative software products leveraging emerging technologies and trends. We are the place where INNOVATION, DESIGN, and ENGINEERING meet scale.

+1 786 673 3310 + 54 11 5273 8999 Get in Touch

Slide Zona ENARD A comprehensive ecosystem that allows the administration of all actions related to high performance sport, as well as channeling and enabling the relationships of the different stakeholders within its universe (internal users, athlete users, federation users, supplier users) in a fully electronic way.

Driving sport intelligence to new levels

We enhance the performance of the members of the high-performance sports organization in terms of information management.


We optimize the logistics processes of athletes and high-value equipment around the world with technology, innovation and connectivity.

Athletes Assistance

At any time and anywhere on the globe, our systems keep athletes connected with the different assistance centers 24/7.

Data Analytics

More agile and timely decision-making processes thanks to the integration of data in real time.

Transformation nonstop

It fills us with joy to know that all the work and talent of so many people can contribute so much to Argentine Sport and to the next athletes generations.


Open data and publicly accessible information for a fair and transparent administration of high-performance sport.


Technology includes and gives opportunities. Let’s keep growing along the path of innovation and talent…

Testimonials That Make Us Proud

We are excited to see how our work leaves traces that contribute to the growth of the sport.

Global Innovation and Tech Excellence Awards